I have been reading the book "Beautiful in God's Eyes" by Elizabeth George. I highly recommend this book to any woman that wishes to honor God by becoming a true Proverbs 31 woman. The author writes in such a way as to inspire and to make this goal actually appear achievable. I find myself encouraged to change and rethink my values and goals in this area. Each of the 24 chapters is based on a part of Proverbs 31:10-31. And each of these chapters are full of challenges for each woman to evaluate.
The two challenges I am working on right now are: 1) To grow in emotional stability and 2) To know that my husband in assured in my loyalty. Emotional stability is tough for me right now because I feel as if I am controlled by my horomones instead of me controlling them. This is most likely not going to be a challenge I will master overnight. Loyalty is a checklist that I need to evaluate. Elizabeth lists 10 different areas in which a wife must be loyal to her husband: money, children, home, reputation, fidelity, emotions, happiness, wisdom, conduct and love. I believe that I have earned a passing grade in some of these areas, but others need work.
These are just two of the challenges listed in the first 4 chapters. That's the nice thing about this book - each woman will be challenged differently based on her own strenghts and weaknesses and her current personal situation. Please pray for me as I strive to be a better wife and mom.
I love Elizabeth George!! I've read and have most of her books. Except for this one! I think I could use a copy myself! I will be praying for you!