Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Impromptu Gifts

I received an impromptu gift from a special friend the other day. She handed me this wonderful pink basket and when I looked inside I found two beautiful green teacups and a great card. No real reason - she had gone to an estate sale, saw the cups, and knew they would match my kitchen. Perfectly, I might add.

To me these are the best kind of gifts. The ones that are given just because. There's no special occasion, no huge hemming and hawing to determine if this is the right gift. It is the right gift "because". I saw these and they reminded me of you.

It is this type of gift that can give us a lot of insight into how others see us. How well do they know us. What types of things make them think of us - what things remind them of us? Beautiful teacups (definitely me) or a picture of chickens running around the barnyard (not me at all - at least I hope not!) Of course, they can also tell us how some people don't know us at all. " So you saw these lime green go-go boots and you thought I would just love to have them? Hmmm..." LOL

Yep, I love impromptu gifts 'cause even though not a lot of thought may have gone into them; the ones that did are actually the best thoughts of all.

Thanks A. You're the best!


  1. Aren't they the best gifts EVER!!! I love stuff like that too. Cause it's a heart thing. And to know you loved on other then your birthday or Christmas is wonderful!!
    Love the teacups too!

  2. you are so welcome. life is just not life without you in mine.
